Chronicle 34, Anno Stellae 4148 is the continuation of the retrogression of Earth II and the life of Yeshua. It is at this period of time that the life of an obscure woman by the name of Noahdiah is revealed. She is exposed as a very wealthy woman and the aunt of Maryam, Yeshua's mother. She is also exposed as a miserly widow who puts her love for money above her own needs and the needs of others. Her character is rather unsavory and wanton. How long will she go on like this? In the meanwhile Pontius Pilatus struggles to stay on top of the political platform and his marriage to Procula. Knowing that his days as Governor are numbered, Pilatus tries his best to become political allies with the Sanhedrin but is this sufficient to secure him in his position as Governor? Chronicle 35, Anno Stellae 4149 opens with Wally IV keeping a careful watch on the events in Nazareth. What is the Red Star up to? Why is OP (Opposing Player) re-enacting these particular biblical events? Wally IV remains silent in the background hovering over each turn of events to calibrate the possible strategy of OP. Meantime, Governor Pilatus makes a big mistake which may cost his seat as Governor. Noahdiah too has had a change of events in her life; from riches to rags she now has the unique opportunity to put her miserly ways to good use, not suffering too much emotional damage from her downfall. She is able to cope but with the help of an unusual beggar woman. The story of the Samaritan woman at the well called Basemath begins to unravel revealing that the true water to quench her thirst was mercy. It is through Basemath that the paths of Noahdiah and the strange beggar widow converges at Yeshua, the living nexus that reveals all their true significance. Chronicle 36, Anno Stellae 4150; Noahdiah is troubled in her sleep at night. There is a turning of the tide in her life and she has no control regarding its outcome. Her friend and constant companion seemed to have disappeared and a bizarre young woman seems to have taken her place, but only for a short while. Tragedy strikes and Noahdiah's life is turned upside down once again, but not without its amazing discoveries. Pilatus is struggling to bring about damage control over his debacle at the temple and instead adds fuel to his growing bonfire of errors. Now there is one last chance for him to prove that he is a true politician and governor, the trial of a lifetime, that of Yeshua. But despite the outcome of the fiery trial, events of epic proportions rock Roma, and Judea, leaving Wally IV stunned and the Red Star confounded. In comes a new player, who isn't really new but is unstoppable. Chronicle 37, Anno Stellae 5909, Wally IV is assessing the strange turn of events in Roma and Judea, and also his position in the wargame. Is it all over for him? Wally has no choice but to stay the course and keep a careful eye on OP and its intervention in the times already past. Wally begins to oversee Yacob and his sons and their errors committed while under the influence of the Red Star. It is increasingly apparent to Wally that this Hebrew patriarchal family and line is of some mysterious but prime importance. But why and how? Chronicle 38, Anno Stellae 5913, still more information is unveiled about Yacob's sons especially Judah. Judah takes a heathen wife and much is reflected on the inappropriate behavior of Yacob's other sons. Is this all the work of the Red Star? Wally has to wait this all out to be sure and is driven to assess the key importance of two individuals, one a grown man, the other a teenager, in this key Hebrew fam
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