Travel Tales: Airplanes — Terror in the Skies: No collection of travel stories told by world travelers would be complete without the numerous accounts of the sorts of things people report they've seen or done on airplanes during their various travels to destinations around the world. Of course, in a book about travel you'd naturally expect to include stories of all kinds of goings on to do with airplanes and flying — for one, the normal sorts of travel experiences to do with flying as well as occasionally the more unusual, the strange, and even the paranormal. However, on the rare occasion, there are also the occasional horror stories to do with such things as hijackings, terror attacks, crashes, unusual turbulence, and a variety of other mishaps. Notwithstanding the above there also occasionally happen to be hilarious sorts of occurrences that happen on airplanes. And the things they never tell you… well, we have some aircrew shenanigans to share with you about crewmembers on and off duty! Mostly these unusual airplane occurrences gathered for you in this book will never likely happen to you. So this book is the safe and comfortable place for you to learn of the wide variety of vagaries of air travel that do occur on rare occasions. In Travel Tales: Airplanes — Terror in the Skies you'll find among travelers and airline crews as well the sorts of tales shared with me regarding their occasional encounters of the psychic and the paranormal that go hand-in-hand, right along with the typical wonderful accounts of a traveler's onboard experiences that you would not normally ordinarily expect to hear about except in a book like this that gathers the variety of airplane and flying tales. The stories in this book are basically divided into a number of different parts including travel tales of the good, wonderful, happy and glad, and funny, too — including as well a fair share of truly scary moments, spooky happenings, and some truly disquieting things that can occur onboard an aircraft that you otherwise might never expect experience, nor ever want to have happen to you. Mostly your own travels around the world will not likely be about ghosts, the spiritual, the mystical, or paranormal, per se, or the rare hijackings or onboard terror that can occur but rather more like the typical visitor mix of stories that you would normally expect to experience onboard an aircraft. In the True Travel Tales series, we aim to pull no punches, either. You'll see much of the good side and expression of the so-called "yang" (the good) that a wonderful and satisfactory experience on board an aircraft destined to wherever you are going. When I refer to this book as "Travel" you'll find that the term as used in "Travel Tales," really covers a broader brush as well — yes, travel tales in the sense of someone traveling from one place to another, but it also means, in a wider sense, the idea that ghosts, or spirits, or UFOs, or what have you, however, you may choose to refer to them, also appear to be 'traveling' or 'travelers' themselves in their own right as perhaps from one realm or dimension to another! Even hypothetically onboard or in tandem with an aircraft. So, think of travel in this broader sense as well. Finally, in this book of airplane and flying stories, you will also see some stories thrown in of some of the challenges and happenings with regard to the wondrous lucky few who have managed to fly around the world on incredible airline tickets.
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