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Wife Life Secrets to be Happy, Healthy, Wealthy
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Wife Life Secrets to be Happy, Healthy, Wealthy

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Wife Life Secrets to be Happy, Healthy, Wealthy

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Yes, everybody has secrets and the author is looking forward that her secrets can make a positive difference to you and to millions around the world as she shares her personal journey of finding more meaning to life - finding the true meaning of happiness, health, and wealth in many aspects of life. Discover the simple & proven secrets that can bring more happiness, health, wealth, and success to your life. It produced many success stories and you can be the next one. This short book is for those who are longing to create a happier, healthier, wealthier life. This book can lead you to live an extraordinary life because the principles and strategies are proven true, simple, and useful for everyday living. It worked on many and it can definitely work for you if you learn and apply the principles. Here are some of the feedback from real people who succeeded using the principles learned from this book: If you want a life changing experience, then meet Ms. Wanda, she works wonder. Because of her, I learned to be more optimistic, more confident about myself, and start to believe that I can do all things simply by thinking that I can, then the mind and body will follow and automatically do the action. - Perla Caringian (Passed her architecture board examination and healed her phobia) Ms. Wanda is a very effective teacher. An example of her teaching that I find very useful until now is the power of dream boards, time accounting, positive affirmations and other techniques. She also introduced the idea of listening to motivational speeches and that is what I do from time to time. I also learned how to utilize my mind to feel motivated, positive and goal-oriented. - Jan Anibigno (Top Notched her Certified Management Exams in Sep-Oct16 ranking 2nd out of 4,967 examiners around the world) I am grateful for meeting Ms. Wanda. She really has a beautiful mind. She is like a lit candle that will slightly give lightness and then will cover the darkness. I felt like I was overhauled. Something that has broken in me has been repaired. I started to see or view life differently. I am more focused on the brighter side. My trust and relationship with our Creator have grown deeply. Then, it opens my whole being to a full positivity. I started to reach each and every dream I have been praying for. I have realized that GOD is already giving me the answer, it's just that it was blocked. Covered by fears and a lot of negativity. I am really amazed at the results. The mind is powerful, that's why GOD had placed it to the highest part of our body. You just need to control it with HIS Guidance. For me, Trust means believing. Believing means being ready to receive all the blessings. - Miracel Castro Magat (Got her dream job and dream baby girl) I am forever grateful that God has sent us an Angel, Mentor and a good friend who inspires and supports us all the time.You are such a blessing to us and to everyone- Mitch Macabudbud (Got a new job and found a partner in life) You have inspired me to do my best. You always made me believe that everything is possible. You were always there giving me the full support. Thanking you is not enough. All my prayers will be with you. Praying for more success in your life and to your family."-Ruth Gonzales (Got job promotion + Won 4 Awards in 5 months reaching up to DTAC level, a dream for every Toastmaster + Travelled her dream vacation) Here are some of the feedback from the beta readers: Wanda is simply amazing. Her passion and the contents of this book are the best. Reading this book is worth my time. Thank you, Wanda, for the inspiration. You are a blessing to us. God bless your heart more.- Toots Palomo
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