SHORT DESCRIPTION This new expanded edition reveals the Ancient Egyptian knowledge of harmonic proportion, sacred geometry, and number mysticism as manifested in their texts, temples, tombs, art, hieroglyphs, etc., throughout their known history. It shows how the Egyptians designed their buildings to generate cosmic energy; and the mystical application of numbers in Egyptian works. The book explains in detail the harmonic proportion of about 20 Ancient Egyptian buildings throughout their recorded history.It also includes additional discussions and details of the symbolism on the walls; the interactions between humans and the divine forces; Egyptian tombs, shrines and housing; as well as several miscellaneous related items. LONG DESCRIPTION Everything that the Ancient Egyptians built/molded/sculptured was for the purpose of generating energies and/or to embody energies. And just like our electrical system that needs activation by turning a switch on, all Egyptian works also require/required activation by the right actions [sounds, gestures, etc.]. And while these ‘stone’ marvels appears static because they appears stationary, they are no different than [stationary] energy generating units—like our solar panels that absorb solar energy from the sun and convert it to energy supply for our earthly human needs. This book reveals the Ancient Egyptian knowledge of harmonic proportion, sacred geometry, and number mysticism, as manifested in their texts, temples, tombs, art, …etc., throughout their known history. It shows how the Egyptians designed their buildings to generate cosmic energy, and the mystical application of numbers in Egyptian works. The book explains in detail the harmonic proportion of about 20 Ancient Egyptian buildings throughout their recorded history. It is the aim of this book to provide such an exposition, one which, while based on sound scholarship, will present the issues in language comprehensible to non specialist readers. Technical terms have been kept to a minimum. These are explained, as non technically as possible, in the glossary. This Expanded Edition of the book is divided into three parts containing a total of 13 chapters. Part I: Architectural Concepts—Function and Form consists of five chapters—1 through 5: Chapter 1: The Architectural Canon will cover the deep-rooted Egyptian beliefs of ‘As above So below’ and its application to Egyptian art and architecture and the existence and adherence to a divine building code, as well as utilizing design and construction plans prior to as well as during the construction stages, which extended over several centuries for large projects. Chapter 2: The Metaphysical Structure of the Universe will cover the realms of creation and its correspondence in Man as the image of all creation. Chapter 3: Visitation Sites of The Lower Heavenly Court will cover the interactions between earthly living beings and the lower realms of the metaphysical cosmic structure, the significance of landscape architecture in such interactions, and the major types of visitation buildings (both burial and non-burial sites) to facilitate such interactions. Chapter 4: The Sealed Pharaohs’ Tombs will cover the concept and role of the pharaohs which requires their tombs to be sealed and inaccessible for further communications after their earthly existence, as well as giving samples of some pharaoniac tombs. Chapter 5: Egyptian Temples of the Divine Forces will cover the main function of Egyptian temples (being divine generation), the overall conceptual temple layout, the metaphysical funnel conduit design, the generative significance of jointing patterns, outer walls’ physical/metaphysical protection, and the organic foundation roots of the Egyptian temple. Part II: The Physical Manifestation of Metaphysical Concepts consists of five chapters, 6 through 11: Chapter 6: Architectural Constituent Forms of Metaphysical Functions will cover the various architectural forms as
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