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He’s Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys - Greg Behrendt,Liz Tuccillo - cover
He’s Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys - Greg Behrendt,Liz Tuccillo - cover
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He’s Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys
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12,49 €
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He’s Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys - Greg Behrendt,Liz Tuccillo - cover


Why didn’t he call you back? Why doesn’t he talk to your friends? Why does he keep putting off your dates? This book has the answers. Now the international bestseller is re-released to change the lives of a new generation. This is a hilarious, playful, honest explanation of male behaviour from a writer and a consultant of Sex and the City. Stop wasting your time chasing after men who aren't into you, and find men who are! Greg Behrendt provides the insight you need to move on and find them. The idea behind ‘He’s Just Not That Into You’ came from a conversation between Greg Behrendt and his fellow (female) SATC writers, when they asked his advice one day. This conversation became the seed of an episode which struck a powerful chord with viewers. Before long, Greg became aware that this simple phrase had the power to change women’s lives. ‘He’s Just Not That Into You’ is now a worldwide phenomenon. Over 100k copies have been sold across all editions, it has topped bestseller charts internationally, and has been made into a major Hollywood film. Now repackaged for a new generation with an eyecatching new cover, He’s Just Not That Into You is essential armour for the modern woman.
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Paperback / softback
256 p.
Testo in English
198 x 129 mm
150 gr.

Conosci l'autore

Greg Behrendt

Greg Behrendt

1963, San Francisco

Greg Behrendt, autore di spettacoli comici, è stato consulente di Sex and the City per le prime tre serie. Abita a Los Angeles insieme alla moglie e la figlia. Insieme a Liz Tuccillo ha scritto La verità è che non gli piaci abbastanza (2004), da cui è stato tratto un film prodotto da Drew Barrymore con un cast stellare.

Liz Tuccillo

Liz Tuccillo

Liz Tuccillo, oltre che autrice di testi per il teatro Off-Broadway, è una delle sceneggiatrici della famosa serie Sex and the City. Salani ha pubblicato La verità è che non gli piaci abbastanza, un best seller internazionale tradotto in più di venti Paesi, da cui è stato realizzato un film prodotto da Drew Barrymore con un cast stellare. Anche Single ma non troppo ha ispirato il film omonimo, sempre prodotto da Drew Barrymore e con Dakota Johnson.


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