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Inés of My Soul - Isabel Allende - cover
Inés of My Soul - Isabel Allende - cover
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Inés of My Soul
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18,74 €
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Inés of My Soul - Isabel Allende - cover

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The vibrant new novel from Isabel Allende takes her back to her homeland of Chile, and tells the story of the first Spanish woman to arrive on its shores with the Conquistadors in the 1500s. A real historical figure, Inés Suarez came to Chile with the Conquistadors in 1540, helping to claim the territory for Spain and to found the first Spanish settlement in Santiago. In this remarkable novel, Isabel Allende – one of the world's most spellbinding storytellers – re-imagines Inés's life and that of the two men who become her lover and husband respectively. ‘Inés of My Soul’ evokes the conflict and drama of the Conquistadors' arrival in Chile, as well as helping restore the reputation of Inés, a powerful woman long neglected by history and a patriarchal society. It also finds Allende returning to territory beloved of her and her readers – imaginative historical fiction, evocatively told – and to the familiar landscape of her native country. The novel gives Inés the recognition and glory that are rightfully hers; but more than that it is an epic tale of love and conquest, lyrically written and enchantingly told by a writer at the peak of her powers.
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Paperback / softback
356 p.
Testo in English
198 x 129 mm
260 gr.

Conosci l'autore

Isabel Allende

Isabel Allende

1942, Lima (Perù)

Isabel Allende è una scrittrice e giornalista cilena, nata in Perù ma cresciuta con la madre in Cile. Dopo aver terminato gli studi a Santiago del Cile, lavora dapprima per la FAO, quindi si dedica a un giornalismo impegnato, scrivendo anche per il cinema e la televisione. Nipote di Salvador Allende, vive in esilio dal 1973, anno del golpe organizzato dal generale Augusto Pinochet Ugarte, al 1988, anno della caduta di Pinochet.In esilio scrive il primo romanzo, La casa degli spiriti (1982; ebbe una trasposizione cinematografica nel 1993).Ha scritto romanzi basati sulle sue esperienze di vita, ma ha anche parlato delle vite di altre donne, unendo insieme mito e realismo.In Italia è pubblicata da Feltrinelli.Tra le prime scrittrici latinoamericane a raggiungere fama...


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