Jinger wanted Children but David did not. Its was never the right time. He was having problems at work, and frustrated with the direction the company was taking. Finally, he clashes with the owner about the job one too many times, and finally loses it. He thought finding new employment would be easy. It wasn't. Jinger decides to get a job, they need a lot of money and fast, to save them from bankruptcy. She is well educated with a college degree in Political Science, but there were no jobs, except campaigning for local politicians. And they wanted her to work for free!!! What's a girl to do??? David convinces her to strip, its fast and once they got back on their feet, she could stop. Jinger was horrified. They fight about it until David gives her an ultimatum. When she refuses he leaves the house. Now that he is gone, she has no choice but to strip to support herself, but with them being separated, she feels a lot less guilty about doing so. At her new job she meets a lot of men, but one in particular keeps coming in just to see her. A regular. He is rich, older, and mature. Secretly everything Jinger ever wanted. Her own father was absent from her life, and even thou this man was only ten year her senior, he had a maturity that made him seem much older. One thing leads to another and soon she Jinger finds herself pregnant. That's when David comes back. He is overjoyed to see her again, she is as beautiful as ever but now she was radiating. Jinger is not so forgiving, and tells her she's carrying another man's baby. Despite the shock, he begs her to take him back, saying that he will love the baby as his own. But she refuses, he had a bad habit of disappearing when thing got bad. So much so, that she refuses. She doesn't believe him. "Most men leave a women after she tells them she's pregnant, you want to come back because of it, and its not even yours!!!" But he says he loves her and to give him another chance, he doesn't want their marriage to end. And they have been together too long to refuse him a second chance. Jinger will only take him back on one condition, if he agrees that she can hypnotize him. David plays along because he doesn't believe he can be hypnotized (least of all by her), but if he can act hypnotized convincingly enough, she will he's changed and then things will be back to "normal." "What do you want me to do," he asked??? "Love me unconditionally," she replied. But he pretends to be offended, to throw off her suspicion. But she insists, if he truly wants to make their marriage work then he should trust her, because he never has before, and if he wants to start over he has to prove that he has changed, and trusting her with hypnosis is the first step. Jinger is making good money because she is very popular at work, so she decides to keep working before she starts to "show." Despite Davids return they still need the money. She tries to avoid her "babies father" by taking a different shift. but he is relentless. When Jinger tries to break it off, not telling him that she's pregnant with his child, he says he loves her, needs her, and wants to marry her!!! Then he produces the biggest diamond ring she has ever seen. And slips it on her finger. Now she is conflicted. Its not fair to refuse this man a chance her in her life, or him not knowing that she's carrying his baby. Does Jinger take David back, the only man she has ever loved (or thought she did), but knew he was no good for her. Or does she divorce him and and marry the man who loved her so good that she got pregnant after just one time. Either way Jingers heart is going to break.
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