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Now and Forever - Ray Bradbury - cover
Now and Forever - Ray Bradbury - cover
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Now and Forever
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13,74 €
13,74 €
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Now and Forever - Ray Bradbury - cover


Two dazzling new novellas from the celebrated author of Fahrenheit 451. Two previously unpublished novellas comprise this astonishing new volume from one of science fiction's greatest living writers. In the first, 'Somewhere a Band is Playing', newsman James Cardiff is lured through poetry and his fascination with a beautiful and enigmatic young woman to Summerton, Arizona. The small town's childless population hold an extraordinary secret which has been passed on for thousands of years unbeknownst to the rest of human civilization. In the second novella, 'Leviathan '99', the classic tale of Herman Melville's ‘Moby Dick’ is reborn as an interstellar adventure. It recounts the exploits of the mad Captain Ahab, who, blinded by his first encounter with a gigantic comet called 'Leviathan', pursues his lunatic vendetta across the universe. Born in space and seeking adventure in the skies, astronaut Ishmael Jones joins the crew aboard the Cetus 7 and quickly finds his fate in the hands of an indefatigable captain. Published together for the first time in one volume, these two stories twinkle with Bradbury's characteristically intricate metaphors and lyrical phrases. Both are a lasting testament to an older generation of writers that, much like the Leviathan itself, are on the threshold of passing on into the realm of legend.
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Paperback / softback
240 p.
Testo in English
198 x 129 mm
210 gr.

Conosci l'autore

Ray Bradbury

Ray Bradbury

1920, Waukegan, Illinois

Ray Douglas Bradbury è stato un narratore e sceneggiatore televisivo e cinematografico.Nato nel 1920 in Illinois, si è diplomato a Los Angeles. Celebre soprattutto per aver dato una svolta fondamentale al genere della fantascienza. I suoi romanzi infatti caratterizzati da una sempiterna nostalgia per l'infanzia, una forte critica sociale e, soprattutto, la consapevolezza dei rischi della tecnologia.Ha fatto il venditore di giornali agli angoli delle strade di Los Angeles dal 1938 al 1942, trascorrendo le notti alla biblioteca pubblica e le giornate alla macchina da scrivere.È diventato uno scrittore a tempo pieno nel 1943.Molti suoi racconti sono apparsi in periodici prima di essere raccolti in Dark Carnival nel 1947.La sua fama nasce con la pubblicazione di The Martian...


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